Friday, May 26, 2023

The Call to Action: Small Changes = Big Impact

A call to action (CTA) is an essential element of any marketing piece, as it prompts the reader or viewer to take a specific action. Thus, we should expect minor changes to the CTA to impact the effectiveness of the marketing piece significantly, and they do. Here are three examples of how simple changes to your CTA can have a significant impact:

1. Be specific: People are more likely to respond to precise instructions rather than vague or general ones. Thus, making the CTA clear can make it more actionable and more likely to lead to a conversion. For example, instead of using a generic CTA like "click here," a more specific CTA like "download your free e-book now" would be more effective.

2. Keep it simple: A too-complicated CTA can overwhelm the reader, leading to indecision or inaction. Keeping the CTA simple can make it more appealing and easier to act upon. For example, instead of using a long and complicated CTA like "Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and exclusive offers," use a simpler CTA like "Subscribe now!"

3. Match the CTA to the right stage in the buying journey: The CTA should be appropriate to the buying journey the reader is in. For example, a CTA to "buy now" may be suitable for someone ready to purchase, but it might be too aggressive for someone still in the research phase. Instead, a better CTA for someone just starting to research a product might be "learn more" or "request a free consultation."

Overall, small changes to a CTA can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of a marketing piece. By making the CTA specific, simple, and appropriate to the stage of the buying journey, you can increase the likelihood of conversion and achieve better results from your marketing efforts.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

5 Tips for Building Trust with Customers

Building trust is essential for any business or organization. Without trust, it isn't easy to establish and maintain relationships with customers. So how do you use your marketing materials to build trust? Let’s look at five tips that work regardless of your marketing channel.

1. Be authentic.

One of the most important ways to build trust is to be authentic. Whether it’s in direct mail, email, or social media, use clear and straightforward language. Avoid using jargon that sounds stiff. Additionally, be open and responsive to feedback from your audience. Responding quickly and openly to criticism or negative feedback shows that you value your audience's opinions and are willing to address any issues or concerns.

2. Be consistent.

Consistency is vital when it comes to building trust. Haphazard branding that changes from channel to channel and campaign to campaign comes across as unprofessional. Consistency helps to establish a solid and recognizable brand identity which, in turn, helps to build trust over time. Use the same colors, fonts, and tones in your communications, including social media, email marketing, and print materials.

3. Use testimonials and reviews.

Testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers can be powerful in building trust. Customers trust other customers more than they trust brands (called “social proof”), so include testimonials or reviews from real customers who have had positive experiences with your business.

4. Personalize your communications

Personalization is another effective way to build trust. It shows a level of investment and attention to detail that indicates that you are serious (trustworthy) in your communication with them. For example, print customers' first names on your direct mail pieces and use them in the subject lines of your email marketing campaigns.

5. Use high-quality design and photography.

Whether creating print materials or designing a website, invest in high-quality design and photography that accurately reflects your brand identity. If your print materials look cheap, customers will think your products are, too.

Building trust with your audience is essential for any business or organization; remember, the process takes time. So keep at it. Whether you're using print or digital communications, remember these tips to help build a solid and trustworthy brand identity over time.


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