Friday, May 10, 2024

Want Buyers to Remember You? Choose Print

When you create marketing communications, whether print or digital, you want your audience to read and remember them, right? That's why it matters what channel you use. After decades of research, studies continue to point to the same conclusion: Print is simply better when processing and retaining complex information is required.

Most print versus digital studies come from the education world. In these studies, researchers ask students to read passages in print and digital formats and then follow up with tests to measure their comprehension and recall. Decade after decade, these studies reveal that print outperforms digital in several key areas:

·       Handling of longer texts: Print is more effective for longer texts, typically those exceeding 500 words. This suggests that the physical nature of print aids in processing and retaining information over extended periods.

·       Abstract and inferential thinking: Tasks that require abstract or inferential thinking are better performed with print materials. The tactile experience of reading in print enhances the brain's ability to engage with and interpret complex ideas.

·       Detail-oriented responses: When study respondents were asked to provide more detailed responses, print was again the preferred medium. This indicates that the physicality of print facilitates a deeper level of engagement with the content.

·       Interpreting material from multiple sources: Tasks that involve interpreting material from various documents are also better accomplished with print. Studies consistently find that the tangible nature of print materials allows for easier cross-referencing and comparison of information.

So, what makes reading in print so different? The physical engagement with print materials seems to play a significant role. With print, individuals engage multiple senses, including touch, which enhances information encoding in the brain. Additionally, physically turning pages and visually scanning each page creates unique cognitive markers that aid recall.

These findings have profound implications for marketing communications. Print is the way to go if the product you sell requires potential buyers to handle longer texts and facilitate abstract thinking.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Elevating Your Brand's Impact with Extra Dimension

How do you stand out when so many companies compete for the same customers? One way is through dimensional print. These innovative print pieces go beyond the traditional flat surface, offering tactile and interactive experiences that captivate audiences and drive engagement. From pop-up designs to textured finishes, dimensional print can take your marketing efforts to the next level.

Let's look at some examples:

·       Pop-up designs: Pop-up cards, brochures, and mailers use intricate folds and cuts to create three-dimensional elements that surprise and delight recipients. For example, a travel agency could send prospects what looks like a flat mailer, but when it's opened, the "flat" mailer pops into the shape of a cube. This not only creates delight and surprise but it gives the agency six total surfaces to promote a variety of enticing vacation destinations.

·       Textured finishes: Adding texture to print materials can create an authentic sensory experience. Embossing, debossing, and raised coatings can all be used to add depth and tactile appeal to business cards, packaging, and promotional materials. For example, many luxury cosmetic brands use soft-touch coating to create a sense of elegance and sophistication.

·       Interactive elements: Incorporating interactive elements into print materials can encourage engagement and create more memorable experiences. For example, consider adding a tear-away section to your next direct mailer to reveal a hidden message or offer.

Adding this extra dimension to your print marketing can increase engagement and drive sales. How? By doing the following:

·       Captivating attention: The unique and unexpected nature of dimensional print makes these materials stand out in a sea of flatness. This can help capture the audience's attention and pique their curiosity, leading to increased engagement.

·       Creating memorable experiences: Dimensional print materials create more memorable experiences. As a result, recipients are more likely to remember the brand and its message.

·       Driving action: Because dimensional print increases interaction with the message, this can increase the likelihood that recipients will take action, such as visiting a store, making a purchase, or sharing the material with others.

Dimensional print offers a creative and engaging way to elevate your brand's impact. By incorporating these innovative print pieces into your marketing strategy, you can capture attention, create memorable experiences, and ultimately drive increased engagement and sales for your brand.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

Sustainable Printing Is More Than Recycled Paper

Using recycled paper is essential in moving toward more sustainable printing, but it’s not the only one! For those who want to be friendly to the earth, here are five other ways to incorporate sustainability when designing and ordering print materials.

1. Keep virgin fiber in the loop. While this might sound counter-intuitive, virgin fiber is a crucial component of the recycled paper stream. Recycled paper can only be recycled a limited number of times before the fibers become too short and weak for further use. Adding virgin fiber into the process is necessary to ensure that those papers maintain high quality.

2. Use environmentally certified paper. Environmental paper certifications are granted to paper products that meet specific environmental standards. These certifications are awarded by independent third-party organizations and are based on criteria related to sustainable forestry practices, recycled content, and environmental impact. Some of the most recognized ecological paper certifications include the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI).

3. Use environmentally friendly inks and coatings. Water-based and vegetable-based inks and coatings are typically made from renewable resources or recycled materials, reducing their environmental impact compared to traditional petroleum-based products. They often contain fewer of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are harmful to both human health and the environment. Environmentally friendly inks and coatings are formulated to be biodegradable or easily recyclable, reducing their environmental impact after use. They are also less likely to contain heavy metals or other hazardous chemicals.

4. Don’t laminate. If you’re specing packaging, try to avoid designs that require lamination. Once plastic film is laminated to paper, that paper becomes much more difficult for mills to depulp and reuse.

5. Clean and de-dupe your mailing list. Nothing says “waste” like undeliverable mail. Keep your mailing list accurate, up-to-date, and free of duplicates for the lowest environmental footprint.

Sustainability is more important than ever, and there are so many different ways you can approach it. Using any of these steps will move you toward more earth-friendly print marketing, and for the best results, talk to us about using a multi-pronged approach!


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Creative Gatefolds That Get Attention

Want to get your customers’ attention? Incorporate creative folds that add dimension and interest. Gatefolds, in particular, are cost-effective tools that add high interest and engagement to your pieces. Whether you are producing marketing collateral, event invitations, or direct mail, these fun, creative folds can repeatedly engage your audience with your marketing content.

Four types of gatefolds are easy on the budget and add flair and interest to your promotions simultaneously. Let’s take a look.

Classic Gatefold: This format starts with an oversized sheet that is scored and folded into three panels, with the two outside panels folding in to meet in the middle. The classic gatefold opens—you guessed it—like a gate. This cost-effective format gives you six total panels to work with yet folds into a standard mailing size.

Asymmetrical Gatefold: This is like a traditional gatefold, but the folds are offset so that one flap is larger. This interesting fold provides the same surface area for your message but adds variety and visual interest.

Closed Gatefold: This format starts with an even larger oversized sheet, then folds down one additional time, giving you eight panels. You can orient this fold to open horizontally or vertically in portrait and landscape formats, giving you creative flexibility. The closed gatefold offers you both a “first view” (when you first open the piece) and a “second view” (when you open it up further), allowing your story to unfold sequentially.

Gate or Closed Gate with Pocket: Want to give something away? Provide a free sample, add a card or other promotional item? Gatefold pieces can include interior pockets to tuck your gift or sample, creating surprise and delight.

Using different types of folds is a great way to create engagement and get your audience to open and close the piece multiple times. Every time they open or close a fold, they are exposed to your message repeatedly. Doing so reinforces that message and helps them remember it. Interesting folds also increase the chances that they will share the experience with someone else.

Want your audience’s attention? Try a gatefold!

Friday, March 15, 2024

5 Situations Where Print Media Outshines Digital

In today's digital age, it's easy to overlook the enduring impact of print media. While digital marketing offers unparalleled reach and flexibility, there are certain situations where print simply outshines its digital counterparts. Here are five scenarios where print comes out on top.

1. When it needs to last. Print materials have a physical presence that can last for months or years, making them ideal for content that must withstand time. Unlike digital content that can be easily overlooked or deleted, a well-designed print piece can continue to make an impression long after receiving it.

2. When you need to make a statement. Print has a tactile quality that digital simply can't match. A beautifully designed brochure or a high-quality, embossed business card can make a strong statement about your brand and leave a lasting impression on recipients. This physical interaction can create a sense of value and importance that digital content often lacks.

3. When you need to work around opt-in requirements. With the rise of GDPR and other privacy regulations, getting people to opt in to receive digital communications can be a challenge. On the other hand, print materials can be sent directly to individuals without their explicit permission, making them a valuable tool for reaching new audiences.

4. When it absolutely, positively must get there. While email can be a quick and convenient way to send communications, there's always the risk that it will end up in the recipient's spam folder or get lost in the digital ether. With print, you can be sure that your message will physically arrive at its intended destination.

5. When it's location-specific. Print materials can be strategically placed in physical locations where they are likely to be seen by your target audience. Whether it's a poster in a high-traffic area or a flyer handed out at an event, print allows you to take advantage of location-based marketing opportunities in a way that digital can't replicate.

When marketing your business, think of the different marketing channels as various tools. Not every tool will be suitable for the job. While there are many situations where digital marketing is a highly effective and cost-effective option, other times, print is—hands down—the best tool in the box.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Want More from Your Print Budget? Try This!

Direct mail is a highly effective marketing channel, but many marketing conversations must continue before they bear fruit. Your direct mail piece may prompt someone to visit your website, for example, but they often need another nudge. This is where retargeting comes in. Once a prospect visits your website, you can target them again (retarget them) on social media. This allows you to engage them further and complete the sale.

Retargeting is possible because once people visit your website, you can track their movements even after leaving it. Your target audience will be shown relevant digital ads on social media sites like Facebook based on the pages they visit.

Don’t Let Them Get Away!

Say you are a manufacturer of pool accessories. You have recently dropped your spring direct mail promotion and want to follow up with people who respond by visiting your website to look at fun add-ons like diving boards and slides. Buyers start flocking in, but most of them are only casual lookers. Some, however, are more interested. If they are curious enough to dive deeper into your product pages to look at the detailed specs, these are the buyers you want to capture.

For example, suppose buyers get to the details on your spiral slides but don’t make a purchase. In that case, you might retarget them with Facebook ads with real customer testimonials about how much their kids love the slide they are interested in. If they go further (say, they click through to the customer reviews) but still don’t make a purchase, you might target them with an urgent call to action that pops up in both their Facebook and Instagram feeds.

They grow up so fast! Use this 20% off coupon to turn your pool into a water wonderland they will NEVER FORGET!

Keep the Conversation Going

You make a significant investment in pulling people into the sales funnel, so keep the conversation going until they are ready to purchase. Retargeting makes the most of your investment in print marketing and can be a vital component of any lead-nurturing strategy.


Friday, February 9, 2024

Why the Upper Left-Hand Corner of the Envelope Is Critical to Your Marketing Success

Where is the most critical area of the direct mail envelope besides the mailing address? The upper left-hand corner. Yes, where you put the return address! How you use this humble section of the envelope can be the deciding factor in whether someone decides to open your envelope or not. 

Why is this space so important?

1. It’s where customers recognize you. If the mailer is to someone you already do business with, they will often open the envelope simply because of that relationship. Even if they do not have an immediate need for your product or service, they will often open it because it is you. Play up that relationship and make sure your company is clearly identified. Add your logo, use brand colors, and ensure you can be recognized, even from a distance.

2. It taps your brand reputation. Even if the recipient has not done business with you in the past, if you are a well-known brand that the recipient respects, they will often open the envelope out of curiosity. This is why brand-building is so essential. When you invest in building your brand, customers will often open an envelope simply because your brand has become familiar and they have a positive association with it.

3. It’s where their eyes go naturally. In English, we read from left to right, so the upper left is where people’s eyes will naturally go first. This makes the upper lefthand corner the perfect place to add attention-getting techniques such as images, colorful brand logos, and callouts. Some companies have even added the signatures of celebrities. One nonprofit, for example, gained permission to use the signature of actress Natalie Portman above its logo to attract attention. If you go this route, ensure you have the correct permissions and that the signatures (or images) relate to the product or service you are marketing.

Take advantage of this powerful area of envelope real estate. Use it to create an emotional connection and tell a story, even before the envelope is opened.


Want Buyers to Remember You? Choose Print

When you create marketing communications, whether print or digital, you want your audience to read and remember them, right? That's why ...